Baptism at Simpsonwood United Methodist Church
We welcome your inquiry about the Sacrament of Baptism and we look forward to assisting your family with planning this special day. It is our desire to make all baptisms a most memorable occasion.
The Baptismal Covenant is God’s word to us, proclaiming our adoption by grace, and our word to God promising our response of faith and love. Baptisms are conducted during worship (except where the person to be baptized wishes to be immersed or in unusual circumstances).
Persons of all ages can be baptized at SUMC.
The United Methodist Church recognizes baptisms from other faiths and churches and therefore does not “re-baptize.”
Baptizing Newborns and Toddlers
Holy Baptism is a Covenant between an individual and God. It is God’s word to us, proclaiming our adoption by grace and our word to God. We baptize young children because we believe God is at work in their lives from the start Simpsonwood UMC welcomes your inquiry about the Sacrament of Baptism for your child, and we look forward to assisting your family with planning this special day. We ask that you speak with a pastor about baptism prior to the scheduled date.
Baptizing Children, Youth, and Adults
The Baptismal Covenant is God’s word to us, proclaiming our adoption by grace, and our word to God promising our response of faith and love. We usually baptize by sprinkling, but we can also baptize by pouring or immersion. Just let the pastor know which you prefer. We ask that children youth and adults who express a desire to be baptized speak with a pastor about baptism prior to the scheduled date.
To Schedule a Baptism
Please Contact the Church Office to Schedule a Baptism
The following information is needed to schedule a baptism:
New Babies
Are you expecting a new baby, or has a new baby been born into your family? Please let us know, so we can celebrate with you!
We place a rosebud on the altar in honor of each child born into the Simpsonwood UMC family. On the Sunday the rosebud is displayed, we include a birth announcement in the worship bulletins. Please contact the church office to coordinate a Sunday for this recognition. You will be asked to provide the newborn’s name and birthday, as well as the names of parents and siblings.
Nursery Welcome Gift
We provide a small gift to all new babies in our congregation. If you would like to receive one of these gifts, please contact the Church office.
Office: 770-441-2181
Mon - Thurs: 9a - 4p
Fri: 9a - 1p
Sun: 9a - 1p