Here to care for babies and toddlers up to age 3, our nursery always has at minimum two trained approved adults present, all are Safe Sanctuary trained, and will take the best care of your children. You can relax, enjoy church, and they will be waiting safe and sound.
Need help finding us? Ask an usher or greeter to help you.
(Located downstairs in Building A Room 107)
Our Director of Children's Ministry, Elena Mitchell, can answer your additional questions.
Let the grown-ups focus on service while we help our youngest members get ready for worship! Kids Time is offered to all children ages 4 years to 2nd grade during the 10:55AM Sanctuary Service and the 11:05 AM Modern Service.
The children will be brought to Building A Room 105 (Children's Ministry Space) and can be picked up there by a parent.
There will be time for prayer, a Bible story, and play.
Kids Time is led by our Director of Children's Ministry, Elena Mitchell, along with an additional volunteer.
Office: 770-441-2181
Mon - Thurs: 9a - 4p
Fri: 9a - 1p
Sun: 9a - 1p